Last night was soooo much fun! First, we went to the Progressive Halloween Carnival (and my mom & I hosted "EyeBall Soup"-it was so grody and yuck and AWESOME!). It was the best getting to spend time with all my friends-Mattie, Zaylie, Marinda. Then I got to go see my Gramma Debbie & Grandpa Steve for an hour, and then my Grandpa Doyle. My mom and I had such a good time that before we knew it the clock said 11:30pm and my Aunt Alaire was walking through the door in her chimney sweep costume (though she was zombie-fied and headed straight to bed). I was super tired and ready to crash too, so we said goodbye to Grandpa and Mom brought me home. I was so tired that I don't even remember walking up the stairs to my bed. So, that's it. Halloween 2008 was SMASHING! Hope yours was just as lovely and that today is wonderful!